
Il Great British Beer Festival organizzato dal Camra è uno dei più importanti eventi birrai d'Europa. Come ogni anno la giuria del festival, presieduta dal famoso giornalista inglese Roger Protz,  ha premiato quelle che vengono considerate le migliori birre dell'anno. Tra le birre premiate nelle diverse categorie figurano alcune di quelle importate in Italia da Ales and Co. Ecco di seguito i premi divisi per categoria:

Overall winners
Champion Beer of Britain - Castle Rock, Harvest Pale (3.8% ABV, Nottingham, Notts)
Second - Timothy Taylor, Landlord (4.3% ABV, Keighley, West Yorkshire)
Third - Surrey Hills, Hammer Mild (3.8% ABV, Guildford, Surrey)


Mild category
Gold - Surrey Hills, Hammer Mild (3.8% ABV, Guildford, Surrey)
Silver - Greene King, XX Mild (3% ABV, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk)
Joint Bronze - Golcar, Dark Mild (3.4% ABV, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire)
Joint Bronze - Nottingham, Rock Ale Mild (3.8% ABV, Nottingham, Notts)

Bitter category
Gold - RCH, PG Steam (3.9% ABV, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset)
Silver - Moor, Revival (3.8% ABV, Pitney, Somerset)
Joint Bronze - Orkney, Raven (3.8% ABV, Stromness, Orkney)
Joint Bronze - Purple Moose, Snowdonia Ale (3.6% ABV, Portmadog, Gwynedd)

Best Bitter category
Gold - Timothy Taylor, Landlord (4.3% ABV, Keighley, West Yorkshire)
Silver - St Austell, Tribute (4.2% ABV, St Austell, Cornwall)
Joint Bronze - Evan Evans, Cwrw (4.2% ABV, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire)
Joint Bronze - Great Oakley, Gobble (4.5% ABV, Great Oakley, Northamptonshire)

Golden Ale category
Gold - Castle Rock, Harvest Pale (3.8% ABV, Nottingham, Notts)
Silver - Marble, Manchester Bitter (4.2%, Manchester, Gtr Manchester)
Bronze - St Austell, Proper Job (4.5% ABV, St Austell, Cornwall)

Strong Bitter category
Gold- Thornbridge, Jaipur IPA (5.9% ABV, Bakewell, Derbyshire)
Silver- Fuller's, Gales HSB (4.8% ABV, Chiswick, Gtr London)
Bronze- Beckstones, Rev Rob (4.6% ABV, Millom, Cumbria)

Speciality Beer category
Gold - Amber, Chocolate Orange Stout (4% ABV, Ripley, Derbyshire)
Silver - O'Hanlon's, Port Stout (4.8% ABV, Whimple, Devon)
Bronze - Breconshire, Ysbrid y Ddraig (6.5% ABV, Brecon, Powys)

Winter Beer of Britain winner (announced in January 2010)
Elland, 1872 Porter (6.5% ABV, Elland, West Yorkshire)

Bottled Beer of Britain winners (sponsored by Travelodge)
Gold- St Austell, Admiral's Ale (5% ABV, St Austell, Cornwall)
Silver- Pitfield, 1850 London Porter (5% ABV, Epping, Essex)
Bronze- Great Oakley, Delapre Dark (4.6% ABV, Great Oakley, Northamptonshire)